
搜索引擎优化 Blunders: Content Marketing Rookie Mistakes to Avoid



搜索引擎优化 Blunders: Content Marketing Rookie Mistakes to Avoid

当涉及到投资你的企业, understanding how to diversify your funds wisely is of immense importance. 当然, there are many areas to invest in that contribute to the financial stability of your business... 在雇佣会计等方面进行投资, 应急基金, 产品开发, and employee training and development are all key areas of your business that ensure operations run smoothly. 然而, one area of investing that business owners tend to neglect is digital marketing. And neglecting investing in this area is one of the biggest business blunders you can make, especially being that we now live in a digital world.

So, 什么是数字营销?

数字营销, 也被称为网络营销, is a marketing effort that uses digital channels to promote a brand’s products or services to consumers. These channels include social media, websites, mobile devices, 搜索 engines, and more. 通过这些渠道, content marketing is a form of digital marketing with a remarkably high success rate.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing generates three times the number of leads as outbound marketing does, +, not only does it have the potential to boost your website traffic 7-fold, but it also drives your conversion rates six times higher than average. So, those stats alone should let you know why content marketing is one of the best investments you can make in your company.

然而, it can’t go without saying that content marketing indeed has its own unique set of challenges. With that, there is little to no room for mistakes. If you want content marketing to work in your favor, these are the mistakes you want to avoid.

Content Marketing Mistake 1: Not Writing for Your Audience

Of all the mistakes to make with your content marketing efforts, not writing for your audience is probably the biggest, 老实说, 你能犯的最愚蠢的错误. And the unfortunate part is that so many businesses make this mistake.

想想看. Based on the products and/or services you provide, you should be able to know the problems they face and how your brand helps solve those problems. 这源于了解你的受众. The good news is that you can easily find out this information through surveys, 调查问卷, 类似的问题. 然而, without this information, you will never be able to write content that’s valuable to your readers.

It is also important to remember to always write about things your audience wants to know versus what you want to tell them.

***Note : Content is king, but your content will hold no weight if no one wants to read it***

Content Marketing Mistake 2: Choosing Quantity Over Quality

创建高质量的, valuable content takes time if you want your readers to benefit from what they read- there is no compromise in this area. 就像我们生活在数字世界一样, we also live in a fast-paced world and business owners think that if they can produce a considerable number of articles with targeted keywords quickly, that it will boost their rankings on 搜索 engine results pages (SERPs).

What this can do is put your business at risk of keyword cannibalization, which is what happens when you have too many similar keywords spread throughout content on your website. 这, 反过来, confuses Google on how to rank your content and can result in having a page you didn’t want targeted to rank high. Taking the time to create quality pieces will always be better than pumping out a bunch of low-value content.


你知道吗? 搜索引擎优化(搜索引擎优化) drives 10 times more traffic to your site than any other marketing channel? 许多人不知道这一点, but it is safe to say that if more business owners knew, they would not leave it out of their content marketing strategy!

搜索引擎优化 is an investment that leads to long-term profit that produces a great return on your investment. According to MOZ, for each dollar you invest in 搜索引擎优化, your return equals around $2.75,这只是平均值! Depending on what sector you are in, investing in 搜索引擎优化 can amount to even greater returns.

之类的东西 当地的搜索引擎优化,你的网站 页面加载速度当然, 搜索引擎优化关键字 all play a role in how well your content ranks on Google and other 搜索 engines.

Avoid Content Marketing Mistakes with DevDigital

There are many more content marketing mistakes you’ll want to avoid such as not having a content approval process, 没有创建可重用的内容, and not reviewing the performance of your marketing efforts. 然而, the biggest mistake to make with content marketing is not relying on experts to handle such a business investment.

时间就是金钱, and we are sure your business does not have time or money to waste on avoidable mistakes when it comes to content marketing. Our digital marketing team is well-versed in producing quality content that will be valuable to your audience, 这将, 反过来, 产生更多线索, 为你的网站带来更多的流量, and increase your ranking more than any other initiative would.

To 安排一次咨询 或者请求求婚, 立即电竞赛事竞猜APP合集DevDigital, and we’ll let you know how our content marketing insights can benefit your business.


