
How to Effectively Screen Talent Through Staffing Augmentation



How to Effectively Screen Talent Through Staffing Augmentation

雇佣新员工的成本 软件开发 天赋有时令人生畏. It can take a few weeks to hire a developer and even longer to get them working at full capacity. The time it takes also costs the company money. Yet, it is obviously true that companies need to hire new people. But hiring a freelancer or a full-time salaried employee is not right in every case. While staffing augmentation can be used for recurring needs, it is usually a strategy for filling project-based technical needs. 在这两种情况下, IT 员工增加 has a few advantages over using a temporary staffing agency or hiring freelancers.


使用 员工增加 saves time and money compared to hiring a full-time developer or a freelancer. Hiring a self-employed developer or User Interface (UI) expert on a contract basis offers the same cost savings as hiring a temporary worker, 但也有一些潜在的缺点. You must find and screen candidates, which takes time. Staffing augmentation eliminates most of the legwork while also eliminating some other costs of hiring. 就像临时人事机构一样, the staffing augmentation firm takes care of overhead and HR tasks like payroll and taxes.

最后, using a software developer’s staffing augmentation service can be a good precursor to hiring them for a large, 长期接触. 无论你的战略目的是什么, you still need to evaluate potential vendors against several criteria.

How to Find the Right Staffing Augmentation Firm

很多公司都提供 扩充资讯科技人员 along with their other design, development, and testing services. The first key step is to determine that you need outside talent and then settle on the skills and industry experience needed to complete the work. Consult with technical team members in the company to make sure you are 搜索ing for the right person, 或者合适的人, to supplement the company’s IT department and complete the project. You also need to decide whether this is a full-time, temporary engagement or something else.

As with any other professional service, not all providers are great matches for every customer. If you want to augment your IT staff, screen potential vendors using these criteria:

  • Criteria 1 – Do they have experience in your industry?
  • Criteria 2 – What technology expertise do they have, and does it match your own 太ls and technologies?
  • Criteria 3 – How extensive is their geographic reach?
  • Criteria 4 – What are their security procedures like?

有些公司的本地员工人数不多,但很有能力. 其他 development firms that do staffing augmentation have a large pool of coders with experience in a range of programming languages and development methodologies. Industry experience is valuable in quickly grasping the demands of a new project, as well as being important if your business operates in a heavily regulated industry like banking or healthcare. A company with a large and geographically dispersed staff may be better equipped to find someone who can round out their team and complete your project on time.

If you need expertise in a rare field like machine learning or data mining, you will want to review a prospective vendor’s project experience. Of course, viewing samples of their work is a good idea in any case.


A few steps you need to take are common to any outsourcing effort. First, make sure you are clear on what skills or experience the role requires. Second, evaluate potential staffing augmentation firms to find a match. 第三, 决定你是想雇佣一个人还是多个人, or if this is strictly a project-based engagement. In fact, that decision should be made early in the 搜索.

Working through either a temporary agency or staffing augmentation firm is an effective way to screen potential hires, 太. This is obvious enough when it comes to temporary staffing. 很多次, the hiring manager knows or suspects the company will need to hire a full-time developer, 例如. Working on a project on a temporary or project basis makes it easier to see if a certain person is a good fit.

Staffing augmentation is also a good way to test a new development model. 例如, 提供在线培训的公司, including self-paced courses and online workshops, would have some in-house development and quality assurance people. They may want to set themselves up for success in new E-learning projects by trying out a staffing augmentation firm to fill some short-term programming needs.


Outsourcing development work is standard practice in many companies, especially in smaller companies or those that want to focus on work outside of IT. A staffing augmentation firm can fill in gaps in experience or technical knowledge, while the client can evaluate the developers as a potential fit for the company, either for a full-time role or additional contract roles.

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