
Biggest Mistakes Business Owners Make With Their SEO Strategy

October 7, 2022

Posted by: DevDigital

Biggest Mistakes Business Owners Make With Their SEO Strategy

As a business owner, 在你进入创业世界之前,你可能很清楚市场竞争有多激烈,但你知道你有一个高质量的产品或服务,这将真正有利于消费者, therefore, it would stand out amongst your competitors. Unfortunately, 许多企业家都面临这样一个现实:“如果没有人知道,拥有一个伟大的产品或服务也没有意义。.”

Sure, 电竞赛事竞猜APP通过传统的方式来推销你的生意,比如发放传单, billboards, print ads, direct mail, etc., 但是在数字环境和社会对信息的迫切需求中, those methods don’t hold as much weight as they used to, regarding how to promote your business.

A study by Search Engine 观察显示,60%的营销工作是数字化的,13%的营销公司依赖于传统的营销方法. 该研究最终指出,传统营销方法只有与数字营销方法相结合才能取得成功. However, digital marketing methods alone can bring a business success. This is when search engine optimization (SEO) comes into the picture.

SEO是当人们在谷歌和其他搜索引擎上搜索与你的业务相关的产品或服务时,改善或增强你的网站可见性的过程. Ideally, you want your business to show up on the first page of search results, 因为你更有可能获得关注和吸引潜在客户到你的业务. 这就是为什么SEO对品牌知名度和潜在客户产生如此重要的原因. And if done right, it can scale your business website traffic significantly, bringing about long-term results.

不幸的是,大多数企业主并没有从他们的SEO营销努力中得到理想的结果. 这几乎总是因为他们自己犯的SEO营销错误. Having a clear understanding of the common mistakes to avoid, as well as the areas of improvement, will be essential to taking your SEO strategy to the next level.


Mistake 1: Expecting Overnight Success

对于今天的一些抖音明星来说,成功显然可以一夜之间发生. However, in the world of SEO, not so much. 进入SEO期望结果一夜之间实现只是不现实的. 谷歌算法会花时间来判断你的网页,以确定它们的相关性和质量. Once you create new content, just imagine it as being the new kid entering school; You won’t immediately make friends because people are feeling you out to see if you’re a “cool” person to get to know or not. Google is the same way with new content. 你需要花时间去查看你的最新内容,看看它是否值得拥有良好的声誉和认可.

Mistake 2: Slow Loading Speed of Webpages

让用户离开你的网站并转到竞争对手网站的最快方法之一就是减慢页面加载速度. Google’s recommended page load time is under two minutes, and that is just the threshold of what is acceptable for an eCommerce website. Google’s ultimate aim is under a half-second. 加快网站页面加载速度的一些方法包括删除不必要的网站代码和减少网页图像的大小.

Mistake 3: Using the Wrong Keywords

In the world of SEO, keywords are essential. A big part of SEO 是将你网站的相关关键词与用户在搜索引擎中搜索的关键词相匹配. This reason alone is why taking the time to conduct effective SEO keyword research is so important; finding the right keywords is important to improving your rankings.

不幸的是,许多人并没有把太多的注意力放在错误的关键字(非竞争性术语)上。. For example, if you own a landscaping business, 电竞赛事竞猜APP在你的网站上添加关键词“美化”,而不是“美化纳什维尔”.” This is what you would call local SEO, 它增加了你的企业对潜在客户的可见性,这些客户可以利用你的服务,因为他们与你的企业位于相同或附近的地区.

Mistake 4: Using Too Many of the Right Keywords

而使用错误的关键词显然不会有效地提高你的品牌知名度, having too much of a good thing is also an ineffective effort. 在你的页面上添加尽可能多的关键字来吸引谷歌的注意的做法被称为“关键字填充”,” and Google frowns upon this.

Google wants you to write content where keywords naturally fit for SEO. Relevance, readability, and value are all considerations that Google looks at.

“Does this content look like it’s written by a robot?”

“Is this content valuable and helpful to readers?”

If the answer to the first question is yes, and the answer to the second question is no, 那么你的网站对谷歌的搜索排名弊大于利.

Mistake 5: Not Investing in Link Building

Last, but certainly not least, 未能投资于链接建设是一个企业主可能犯的最大错误之一. All too often, business owners view this area of SEO as an unnecessary investment, 这是你在SEO过程中最重要的投资之一.

According to MonsterInsights, backlinks 和优质内容之间的竞争非常激烈,这是谷歌排名因素中最重要的因素. However, content creation and strategically finding and placing quality links is not a quick process; It truly takes time and effort if you want it done right and for your efforts to be effective, 但企业主通常没有耐心投入到这个过程中,或者他们宁愿投资于那些快速获得谷歌皱眉的链接的方法.

Remember, spammy links are a huge no-no, and that it is ALWAYS better to have a few high-quality backlinks than to have several low-quality links; quality over quantity will always be pleasing in Google’s eyes.

Let DevDigital Handle Your SEO Strategy

While there are several more SEO mistakes to avoid, 上面列出的五种方法将帮助你朝着正确的方向前进,从而提高网站的可见性和访问者访问网站时的整体体验. However, 很好地理解哪些积极和消极的因素会影响你的SEO结果是相当耗时和困难的, if you are not familiar with SEO and its processes.

没有列出的最大错误之一是在没有专家帮助的情况下进行SEO. As mentioned before, SEO is not something that can be learned overnight, nor can it be learned with a few courses. It takes years of skills, knowledge, and hands-on experience, 这就是为什么你想要相信SEO和其他数字营销的努力,你可能需要在DevDigital这里的专家.

We not only provide SEO services but also Google Ads, consulting services, and hosting, all to assist your business with the digital transformation 它需要在竞争对手中取得成功,并推动可预测的增长. To learn more about how our services can benefit your business, contact us today!

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