
Using Mobile Apps to Enhance Your 教育 or Training Programs



Using Mobile Apps to Enhance Your 教育 or Training Programs

Smartphones are ubiquitous and versatile tools for commerce, education, 和更多的. 各类教育机构都意识到了这一点 移动应用程序 都是有价值的学习工具. Therefore, so many companies offer free or cheap apps for things like language learning and math. 业务es and universities have found creative ways to use games and other learning aids on mobile phones and tablets. This post is a review of some of the possibilities for any education provider.


A mobile app could be programmed to carry out a variety of learning functions, including many of the things you would normally do in a cloud-based learning management system (LMS).

  • 自学课程 – The flexibility to complete lessons on their own schedule can boost a course’s completion rate and time.
  • 游戏化 -琐事游戏和模拟可能很有价值. Changing a complex procedure and sending out a memo after changing the relevant software may not work.
  • 练习 – Less ambitious than creating a game but valuable for most any learning situation. Deliver pop quizzes, problems to solve, matching exercises, short answer questions, 和更多的.
  • 指导实践 – A language-learning app uses a chatbot to help learners practice. Another AI-driven chatbot could help a sales rep practice a new selling technique.
  • 协作 – While most training and education apps probably focus on one learner and their supervisor or teacher, 他们还可以支持团队练习, 同行评审, 甚至是小组解决问题的主动性.

Those mobile learning options promise to deliver several benefits, 取决于主题和背景.


The most obvious benefit of using a mobile app for education is flexibility. Students who can complete their lessons and do their assignments at a convenient time or location are going to be a little more motivated and a little more productive. Life gets busy and doing another module in a course can slip down someone’s list of priorities, especially when you don’t have access to a desktop or laptop in that moment. Having access to mobile learning in the palm of your hand makes mobile learning so convenient.

The main benefit of creating a mobile learning application is probably efficiency, from a corporate perspective; flexibility, 从个体学习者的角度来看. 这些都是教育的好处:

  • 个性化的学习 – In common with cloud-based learning software, mobile learning apps can offer personalized learning. 这至少可以通过两种方式实现. 该软件对用户的测验成绩做出反应, giving some learners more practice and passing others to the next section automatically. A corporation could create different learning paths with different courses to match different roles.
  • 易于跟踪进度 ——许多, 如果不是全部, existing mobile learning apps share data so students and other authorized users, 比如工作中的主管, 可以检查每个学习者的进度吗.
  • 方便获取补充材料 -手机应用程序可以提供参考资料的访问, 家庭作业问题的答案, 练习解决方案, 和更多的.
  • 省钱 – As mobile learning is place-independent, it does not require travel or a dedicated classroom space.
  • 较低的环境影响 – Mobile learning apps are much “greener” than in-person training that is conducted in another city. As a digital medium, there are no paper documents to print either.
  • 更高的学习者参与度 – This can be an overlooked benefit in the business world, but the more learners want to focus on the learning at hand, the faster they might progress through the lessons and the more they can retain.

Advanced mobile app features like augmented reality may become more important as time passes.


创建自定义移动应用程序是一个可行的选择. 然而, many companies offer free or cheap E-learning apps for various applications, from teaching children a foreign language to solving complex math problems for engineers and physical science students. There are even free or cheap apps for learning Python, SQL, and Java. 涵盖语言和数学的测验应用程序也存在. Consider finding one or two and incorporating them into an E-learning program as supplemental resources. Remember that the YouTube mobile app is free and offers access to a wide variety of instructional material and documentaries at no cost.

The second option is obviously to buy a commercial subscription to an existing app. This is a straightforward way to supplement your cloud-based training program or a desktop app but with one clear limitation. 即使存在一款合适的应用,它也不一定是完美的选择.

最后, you can hire developers to create a custom app just for your organization (which is the best option), 内部使用或学生使用. This may be the best way to realize all the benefits of using a mobile app for education. A fully customized app is tailored to the client’s exact education requirements. 这款应用可能对客户也很有用, where it could be branded to match the company’s image and used as a differentiator by an education provider looking for a way to stand out in consumers’ minds.


Whether your interest is strictly in corporate training or in helping parents who home school, 或者其他与学习有关的事情, mobile education applications offer opportunities and advantages. 现成的产品也可以, but often investing in a custom application is the best option and makes the most sense in terms of reinforcing your brand, 符合专业的学习要求, or offering a differentiator in a competitive landscape. If you are interested in mobile learning, we invite you to 电竞赛事竞猜APP 安排一次简短的谈话.


