
DevDigital Completes Paylocity Integration For Regional Fast 食物 Chain


Posted by: DevDigital

DevDigital Completes Paylocity Integration For Regional Fast 食物 Chain

Swensons is a chain of drive-in restaurants founded in 1934 in Akron, OH. They serve a menu of classic American drive-in fare like milkshakes and burgers at 16 locations around Ohio. They have been a Paylocity user since October of 2019 and adopted Revel as their POS solution in late 2021, going live in January. They needed to transfer information from Paylocity to Revel before they could use it. This data migration task was complicated by a couple of key differences between Paylocity and Revel. The migration also needed to happen over the holidays, which add another layer of complexity to the migration work.

The Integration Challenge

The hardest part of the migration effort involved moving information on employee roles from Paylocity to Revel. At Swensons, a staff member could have different roles that are paid at different rates. Swensons also needed to automatically change statuses when an employee was terminated, 辞职, 得到晋升, or moved to a new location.

Handling employee location data was yet another significant challenge. Paylocity had the employee’s information and abilities locked into one location. Revel stores location data in three locations. There was a second issue with locations: Swensons employees can work in more than one restaurant in their region. Revel needed to have accurate location information available for these employees so that they could log in at multiple restaurants.

The DevDigital Solution

The DevDigital team created a user interface (UI) that allows authorized users to pull data from Paylocity and customize it before passing it along to their Revel database. A developer had to map that Paylocity location field to the three equivalent fields in Revel and make sure the location data was transferred completely and accurately. DevDigital also provided a short written guide to the user interface.

This project had to be completed quickly during the holidays. As a food service business, Swensons doesn’t close or slow down for the holidays so there was no ideal time to make these changes. So, they needed to find an API集成 partner who could finish the work quickly and despite any scheduling issues that the holidays might cause.

DevDigital has a development team that works different hours and isn’t much affected by the holiday schedule in the United States. The team was able to make all of the necessary connections between Paylocity and Revel. We were able to complete the integration in five days and complete and test the new UI in two days.

This integration eliminates duplication of effort, by feeding information entered in Paylocity to Revel, which also eliminates the opportunity for errors caused by repeated manual data entry. The new user interface makes it easy for a person with no programming knowledge to transfer information from Paylocity to Revel without giving access to Paylocity’s database. This access restriction is important for data security. Here is what one of their executives had to say about working with DevDigital on this project:

“We had a great experience with DevDigital, as they not only educated us on options, including those that saved us significant dollars, but also completed the project with a very aggressive timeline. Natalie and Vasim worked with us to ensure that we met the timeline and budget. DevDigital exceeded our expectations as an integration partner for this project.”

– Ryan Calcei (Director of Human Resources, Swensons Drive-In Restaurants)


Since 2008, we have completed over 2,500 projects for a wide variety of businesses and nonprofits. In addition to handling complex API的集成 and designing custom websites, DevDigital designs mobile applications and custom software. 立即电竞赛事竞猜APP 如果你需要专家 software development so we can discuss your project.


