




The average enterprise today runs on dozens of pieces of software, or hundreds. Getting all of those pieces 工作ing together is both a challenge 和 an opportunity. The challenge is to automate tasks that humans have to perform now. The opportunity comes, ultimately, in the possibility of making the business more efficient. 业务 owners can get developers to write custom software, or use application programming interfaces (APIs) to connect otherwise disconnected pieces of software. Doing so can be a technical challenge but the 工作 pays off in several ways. The advantages of API集成 make better sense when you underst和 what APIs are 和 how they 工作. 


An application-programming interface (API) enables two applications to communicate 和 share information. You use them daily, even if they just run behind the scenes. 如果您创建并分发邮件列表, one or two APIs were probably involved in getting email addresses 和 compiling your list, 创建时事通讯图形, tracking who opened the newsletter 和 clicked one or more links, 等等....... An API helps these disparate systems “talk” regardless of the languages each application uses. Using APIs to integrate various services can improve productivity in different ways. 

The Five Major Advantages of Integrating 服务 Using APIs

集成您的服务, 应用程序, 和 databases as much as possible offers at least these five advantages over the alternatives:

  • 更容易的流程集成 – The most obvious advantage is that moving information from one place to another becomes a little easier, 而且比手工流程更不容易出错.
  • 更多的创新 – Employees have time freed up for leveraging opportunities that have nothing to do with software or hardware. Some employees will find new ways to connect software 和 data to create new products or services or improve business processes in ways senior management might not have realized. 
  • Increased automation – Beyond simply pulling data from program A 和 loading it in program B, 正确的API集成可以简化工作流程. 
  • 改善服务 – Customers will love faster response times, better access to information, 等等....... You can do things for customers that simply weren’t realistic before. 
  • 更好的沟通和协作 – The average medium or large business might have over 400 applications running though many of them will be APIs or middleware, 而不是与你直接互动的软件或手机应用. 

主要是, integrating services that your company uses to serve its customers will pay off in terms of efficiency, 这将带来成本节约和新的盈利机会. 在监管严格的行业, 比如医疗保健和金融, smart API集成 工作 will ease the burden of following the relevant rules.

Any business owner or manager wants to save time or money when they can. This is why API集成 工作 is often a good use of company resources. 这需要时间和金钱,但电竞赛事竞猜APP自动完成任务. 考虑销售报告中的数据. You have to pull some figures from one database 和 type them into another, 也许在做了一些加减法之后. 每周只需要15分钟左右. Dozens of people are doing the same thing each week, maybe spending 20 hours a week on this task. 这20个小时的人工成本是多少? What else could those employees do that would add value to the company? 

Even if all they do is call one more prospect or check in with an existing customer, 他们可以找人留下来, 或者他们可以把更多的潜在客户变成客户. 每个新客户的价值就越高, the more sense it makes to have your sales 和 marketing people doing those things, versus manually adding to some marketing activities report. 


Consider this scenario: Your business has a mobile app that shares data with your website. 这款应用有两个版本,一个是付费的,一个是免费的. You have a customer service app that’s custom-built but it connects to an off-the-shelf CRM tool like Salesforce. You have a payment processor for online orders, a custom database behind the website, 等等....... 该软件或多或少支持许多进程. If “less” then you may want to or need to automate something. 

这就是API集成显示其价值的地方. Some of the 工作 might be relatively easy with the wide range of API software available. 其他 integration 工作 may require the help of expert software developers. 在面向客户的应用程序中, 您的企业可以通过更快地创造而受益, smoother performance that increases customer satisfaction 和 reduces the risk that someone will ab和on your site. 


Talk to an API集成 specialist about potential automation or business process improvement in your specific technological environment. The obvious example of this is a business with one CRM tool 和 one for newsletter management. 您拥有客户数据,包括CRM中的电子邮件. You have a mass email tool in the newsletter management software. Once you have designed the newsletter 和 written the content, 您导出了数千封电子邮件的最新列表, 清理清单, 和 import them into the newsletter software for mailing. 谁想手动处理退订请求? If you automate that process you save time 和 avoid mistakes.

Application Integration Can Be a Huge Driver of 业务 Improvement

Application programming interfaces are critical business tools that keep databases, 移动应用程序, 云计算服务, 和 desktop software communicating quickly 和 accurately. The best case we can make for using APIs as much as possible is this – they will make your company more profitable if used wisely. DevDigital拥有丰富的经验 定制软件开发API集成 工作. 电竞赛事竞猜APP合集 us today to see how we can help you improve your business operations. 不要忘记询问我们的案例研究!


