
We Should Write Sometime – A Networking App for Songwriters

November 8, 2021

Posted by: DevDigital

We Should Write Sometime – A Networking App for Songwriters

The Nashville area is a magnet for 音乐ians and songwriters so it seems like the right place for an app like We Should Write Sometime (WSWS) to emerge. Co-created by a Marine veteran in 2018 to help songwriters find partners with the right talents and tastes, the app has facilitated thousands of matches. WSWS has eliminated the geographic divide that keeps many good songwriters from connecting.

Marine Corps Veteran Helping 其他 Vets Heal

Richard Casper knew he wanted to serve when he was in the 8th 年级. After 9/11, he decided to become a Marine. He served four years in the Marine Corps, reaching a rank of E-4. Richard then saw combat in Fallujah, Iraq and was wounded four times by IEDs in four months. He suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result and found it difficult to adapt to civilian life again because of post-traumatic stress. 音乐 and art helped him immensely, so he wanted to offer the same healing support to other wounded vets. He co-founded the charity CreatiVets for that purpose. He is also the co-creator, with Kevin McCarty, of We Should Write Sometime.

Matchmaking for Songwriters

The comparison with dating apps is impossible to avoid because We Should Write Sometime uses a similar structure and logic. Interested songwriters create profiles that contain details on songwriting experience or education, and a few other characteristics. Users can specify their strengths - melody, lyrics, topline – and any instruments they play. Users also add their songwriting experience, their 音乐al influences, genre and style, and links to their 音乐. They can also specify what they are looking for in a songwriting partnership beyond just someone who excels in lyrics, for example.

New users have to supply a location because the matching process is location-based. However, you can change your location, to reach potential matches in another city. If you are in Nashville and decide you need a lyricist in New York, you can change your location to find a potential match in that city. With over 5,000 users, almost any metro area should produce some matches for any given user.

The app presents potential matches based on location, skills, and other variables. Each user can select “Nah,” “Save for Later,” or “Write”. The first and last options work like swiping right or left on a dating app, which is where the comparison to Tinder comes in.

If the other potential match swipes “Write” the We Should Write Sometime app connects them. They can arrange to work in person or virtually from there. They’ve set up over 8,500 matches since November of 2018. Songwriters around the world have used the app to find co-writers.

Users can up年级 to a Pro plan, which requires additional steps for verification of the user’s profile. Once a songwriter becomes a Pro, they can opt to be visible to all songwriters or only to other verified Pros.

DevDigital is Proud to Work With Veterans

DevDigital is proud to be associated with this unique project that combines help for wounded veterans, 音乐, and matchmaking for songwriters. If you would like to learn more about We Should Write Sometime or join the service, signing up is fast and easy. 

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