
Essential Technical 搜索引擎优化 Tricks That Make Your Site Easier to Find



Essential Technical 搜索引擎优化 Tricks That Make Your Site Easier to Find

Being found online takes sustained effort in several areas. Much of the important work falls under the category of 搜索引擎优化技术 (搜索 engine optimization). Technical 搜索引擎优化 is about the website and its content. Off-site 搜索引擎优化 is about driving traffic to the site. Good keyword re搜索 is essential to both, but 搜索引擎优化技术 focuses more on coding.

Essentials of Technical 搜索引擎优化

Many of these tips apply regardless of whether you offer goods or services and whether you sell to businesses or consumers. In no particular order, here are 13 搜索引擎优化技术 tricks to implement on your site.

1 – Make it mobile-friendly.

谷歌喜欢 responsive design, meaning sites that look great on desktops and mobile devices. Not only is responsive design great for Google, but mobile device users also get turned off by sites that aren’t easy to use on their smartphones.

2 – Create and submit an XML 网站地图.

You can create a sitemap in several ways. Google has a sitemap creator. Word新闻 offers Yoast and Google XML 网站地图 plug-ins. You can also use Google Search Console to submit the sitemap.

3 – Put keywords in image tags.

Keyword text helps 搜索 engines identify the topic of a page, so using words versus alphanumeric labels can help your rankings.

4 -进行现场审核.

You can find software that will crawl your website and find things that hurt your potential rankings. 的se issues include missing meta-descriptions, duplicate pages, and missing alt tags for images. Fix as many of those issues as you can.

5 – Install an SSL certificate.

Google is serious about data security, and not just their data. A site that implements SSL encryption (indicated by the “HTTPS” prefix in a URL) may rank a little bit higher because of this.

6 – Find ways to speed up your site.

Slow page loading can hurt your site’s ranking. Do what you can to reduce the size of each page by reducing the size of images

7 – Optimize your internal site links.

Generic hyperlink text such as “buy now” or “the best price” should be avoided in favor of things like “shop for a factory reconditioned laptop” or “browse deals on laptops.”

8 – Find and fix broken links.

Pages that produce 404 and similar messages give a bad impression and can hurt your 搜索 engine rankings. 的 bigger your site, the more likely it is some links will go bad over time.

9 – Create canonical URLs.

的 word ‘canonical’ indicates a preferred link for that specific content. You want to create one link that supersedes all others on your site so Google doesn’t penalize you for having too much duplicate content.

10 – Use structured data markup language.

Search engines like Google use microdata to better understand the content of your site and create rich snippets in 搜索 results. Rich snippets tend to bring a higher click-through rate than standard 搜索 results.   

11 .使用机器人.txt文件

When 搜索 engines crawl a website, they typically first access a site's robots.txt文件. Among other things, this file tells the 搜索 engine what pages to index and what pages to ignore. You don’t want any customer-facing pages to be skipped.

12—Optimize your titles.

Each page should have a meta tag that serves as a page title. A concise, descriptive title tag that accurately reflects your page's topic is important for ranking well in 搜索 engine.

13- Optimize meta descriptions

Meta descriptions provide a short snippet that describes a web page. Accurate and interesting descriptions can help increase both your 搜索 rankings and a user's likelihood of clicking through to your page.

Technical 搜索引擎优化 is an Ongoing Activity

Like off-site 搜索引擎优化, the technical work on your site has to continue. Keywords that were easy to rank for become much harder, new long-tail keywords become relevant, 链接中断, images change but alt text does not change. Regular site audits are important for those reasons. 的 搜索引擎优化技术 experts at DevDigital have helped hundreds of clients improve their rankings and get found by more customers.





