
12 搜索引擎优化 Techniques That Can Boost Traffic to Any eCommerce Site



12 搜索引擎优化 Techniques That Can Boost Traffic to Any eCommerce Site

Everyone running an online business knows that being found through 搜索 engines is crucial to your success. Most people use a 搜索 engine to learn about products before they buy them. 许多网上购物的人都使用 移动 devices at least some of the time. That is an important point to keep in mind. While 搜索 engine optimization (搜索引擎优化) might seem like an arcane topic, it really isn’t.  

Lots of the most important things you can do to help customers find your products involve some basic Google skills and some editing. 其他 techniques take some technical expertise and time. Good 搜索引擎优化 work begins with knowing what words and phrases to use on your site.   

1 - Focus on Targeted Keywords, not Generic Keywords 

No one shops for running shoes. Runners look for specific models and sizes either for men or for women. Ranking for “women’s trail running shoes” is much easier than getting on page one for “running shoes.” The logic is much the same for any product or service. 

2 – Focus on Search Intent When Choosing Keywords 

This tip flows logically from the first one. Some people 搜索 the Web for information, while others are looking for things to buy. Your store should emphasize terms that reflect an intent to buy unless you are specifically choosing to promote a piece of informational content.  

3 – Use Keywords in Headings 

The H1 and H2 headings should contain the primary or secondary 关键字 for the product. 不要使用相同的 关键字 in every heading though, as this could look like 关键字 spamming.  

4 – Use Keywords to Describe Images 

Search engines will crawl the image and file names. If they describe a “water-resistant trail running shoe for men” versus “men’s shoe,” it will help.  

5 -使用丰富的代码片段 

A rich snippet is a Google 搜索 result enhanced by a bit of extra information, often a photo or a rating.  You will have to be familiar with schema markups to implement this suggestion.  

6 -填写你的页面 

Pages that contain little content beyond a title and a picture of a shoe don’t look good to 搜索 engines or people. Add some details to every product page, at least the bare minimum a human shopper would need.  

7 – Make Sure Your Pages Have Unique Content 

You don’t need seven pages for a shirt that comes in seven colors, or for shoes that come in seven sizes. Consolidate these products on one page so that Google won’t penalize you for having low-quality content on your site.  

8 – Make Sure All Relevant Pages Can Be Indexed 

你网站的机器人.txt file might exclude pages from being crawled by 搜索 engines. If the “excluded” list includes products, you want those pages removed so they can be indexed.  

9 – Use Responsive 设计 

In 2021, Google launched Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) this year. Implementing this update for a site is a complex technical task, but you will have an easier way to make your site play well with 移动 devices. Look for an eCommerce platform that promises to deliver responsive design, which is what it means to have a site designed for computers and 移动 devices.  

10 – Find and Resolve 4xx Errors 

Missing or never-published pages can drag down your rankings. Update your site map to include those pages, resolve the server errors behind the messages, 替换页面. Verify that internal links go to pages that still exist. 

11. -描述每一页 

This is basic 搜索引擎优化 but quite a few pages have bad descriptions or no descriptions. This tip is about the meta-description that tells web 搜索ers what they will find. Every page should have a description written in plain English that includes the relevant 关键字.  

12 – Give Each Page a Title 

Make sure all of your pages have title tags that include a primary 关键字, 次要关键字, 还有一个品牌名称. This information helps 搜索 engines identify the content and helps web 搜索ers see at a glance whether the content might be valuable. 

Implement some of these steps as soon as you can. Improving 搜索 rankings is an ongoing process that takes time to produce results. Include these 搜索引擎优化 tips in the design of new pages.  

If you need a custom website or eCommerce solution, the DevDigital team can help. Beyond just creating your solution, our 搜索引擎优化 team can accomplish this entire tip list and more! 你有吗? 电子商务网站 这需要优化? 点击这里 to get connected with one of our 搜索引擎优化专家


